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  • How do I book the hall? 
Select 'Request Booking' at the top of the page, then login to your account or create a new one and follow the onscreen instructions.

  • Can I have a Bouncy Castle in the Hall? 
Yes you can! To find out more visit the Bouncy Castle Page

  • I want to book the Hall for a Party, but need help organising the Party? 
Don't worry we have teamed up with local businesses to provide a great list of recomendations on our Party Hire Page. 

  • When I make a booking do I need to clean up after myself? 
Yes, we expect all Hirers to treat the hall as they would there own home. In our Terms and Conditions there are a list of Hirer Obligations. These can be summarised by the Check List which is available online and is located in the Hall.

We have a quick guide called the BVH End of Hire Check List to help. This can be found in the Hall or in our documents page on our website. 

  • What happens if I do not fulfil the Hirer Obligations?
If you do not tidy up after yourselves and breach the obligations you may be charged additional Hire Charges. These are listed in the Terms and Conditions and in the Hire Fees and Charges – April 2023

  • Where can I find the Terms and Conditions?
A physical copy can be found in the hall. By the first aid point there is the 'Hall Hirers Handbook' which consists off everything a Hirer will need to know, including fire and safety, evacuation and all of the hall's applicable policies.

A virtual copy can be located at the bottom of the website in the footer under the title DOCUMENTS.
Here you can find not only just the BVH Terms of Hire, but also the Hirers Handbook and other. 

When you make a booking a copy of the Terms will also be sent to you with the invoice. 

  • Does the hall have WIFI?
The Management Committee are evaluating options please watch this space.

  • How do I pay you?
We've had lots of feedback on with regards to the use of Cheques and Cash. Therefore, like almost every business and charity we have introduced CASHLESS PAYMENTS by teaming up with PayPal. 

Through the booking process you will be provided with a invoice and invited to pay online through a PayPal link. Here you can use your credit or debit card to make an online payment. You do not need a PayPal account to make an online payment. 

If you cannot make an online payment then we can in certain situations offer BACs payment details, however, this is restricted to Hirers who do not have access to debit cards etc, such as government and non-profits. 

  • How do I view the hall? 
If the pictures in the Gallery are not enough and you want to see the space for yourself, then please reach out to:

 Our Caretaker Matt who is available Mon - Friday 09:00 - 17:00, on   0738 338 65 55

or alternatively you could reach out to our friendly neighbour Jim on 01886 822251.


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Village hall booking system